About Us
On the 22nd May 2015, the Friends of Greenwich Park History Group met for the first time. As a result of discussions at that meeting a set of aims and objectives were set out. These have since been reviewed and we have renamed ourselves the History Research Group to emphasise our focus on actively researching the history of the park.
Our main aims are:
- to promote awareness of, and interest in, the history of Greenwich Park. For this purpose, the park is defined as the area bounded by the outer walls of the park and any past or remaining palaces or mansion on its fringes. It would include the Observatory area and the Queen's House but not the main National Maritime Museum.
- to carry out research and gather information, telling the many stories of Greenwich Park - about the places and buildings you can see today; the lost and hidden structures; and the people who have a connection through their work, art, writing, and visits.
- to work with the Community Archaeologist to help deliver and interpret excavations and their findings
To achieve our aims we will:
- share our research through the website for visitors to the park, as well as for local people and anyone else with an interest in the park's history.
- maintain a database of information and material to share amongst members of the group using shared cloud storage
- meet once every two months, either online or in person.
- organise bi-monthly activities including talks and presentations; visits; and learning workshops.
You would be very welcome if you wanted to come along and join the group.
If you are interested, please contact us on info@friendsofgreenwichpark.org.uk